“Much of my work happens in series, as you can see with my Farms or Urban Bop pieces. As in music, I enjoy variations on a theme, and creating groups of pieces related by a theme allows me to pursue it from many angles.
– Richard Taylor via taylorsculpt.com
Here at H. Marion Framing we are very happy to feature Richard Taylor in our Winnetka showroom. We currently have 4 pieces on display, a piece named “Whitewater”, and a series Taylor has named “Bookshop.” Each Piece uses a mix of materials such as aluminum, enamel paint, and varnish to create a multidimensional, colorful, textured and timbred work of art.
Based out of Milwaukee, Taylor has described this work on his website as a visual representation paying homage to his upbringing in rural Wisconsin and the architecture and agriculture he was surrounded by.
He wrote,
“Growing up in Wisconsin left me with a love and enduring appreciation for the geometry and gentle flow of the agricultural landscape. The plowed rows of earth, parallel lines of cornstalks and linear demarcations of crops paint a quiet, lush carpet on the native soil. Atop this rolling canvas sit groups of farm buildings in endless variations. Barns, silos, sheds and houses form little villages in each separate farmyard. The result is unending poetry. These wall sculptures are my ode to this landscape and to its subtle but enduring beauty.”
To contact Richard Taylor, go to taylorsculpt.com for more information.

Whitewater (Above)
Bookshop 4 (Below)