Baylor MRB Student Center • H. Marion Healing Art Programs • TCH Legacy Tower Mosaic
Brennan Pavilion Mural Installation Time Lapse • Feature Art: Glass and Resin Art Assembly at UTMB LCC Campus
Artist Interview: Creating Art in a Post COVID Environment • Texas Children’s Hospital: Wayfinding and Themed Murals
UTMB John Sealy Footwall Murals • Kids Get It • Lillibridge Panels • Collier Center • Residential Install
NMH Arkes Pavilion • Advocated Illinois Masonic Medical Center Physical Therapy
Briarwood Artwork & Portrait Install • Advocated Good Samaritan Nurse Wall • UTMB Jennie Sealy History Wall
TCH MoPac Core Values Wall • Rush 4 Armour Med Staff Lounge • TCH ATXNC Mobile Install
Baylor MRB Student Center
Enjoy this video of one of our completed installs at Baylor MRB Student Center.
H. Marion Healing Art Programs
Our patient and family-centered healing art programs improve both the patient experience and the healing process. Focusing on local artists, each curated program reflects the type of medicine being practiced, is culturally competent and celebrates the unique personality and spirit of the community. Each project is unique, and always delivered on time and within budget.
Artist Interview: Creating Art in a Post COVID Environment
Art is a reflection of how an artist sees the world, we explore how changes in lifestyle and culture will impact the art world in this post COVID era.
Kids Get It
How do we know what type of art kids want to see in a hospital setting? We asked.
Lillibridge Panels
Walk into this Austin medical office building and see why Austin residents are so passionate about this city. Our graphics team developed these 5 and 6 foot murals which celebrate the unique personality and culture of the region, which is printed on durable P-Lam panels with a millwork surround.
NMH Arkes Pavilion
To create this patient centered healing environment, a strong emphasis was placed on organic regional midwestern imagery along with some local Chicago architectural shots to help establish a sense of place. Check out what we created with these large scale murals that act as a wayfinding tool for patients navigating the space.
Advocate Good Samaritan Nurse Wall
We designed, manufactured, and installed this “Nurse Wall” at Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. The wall pays homage to the front-line nursing staff, with updatable photo panels, and reinforces their mission and brand.
TCH MoPac Core Values Wall
Our graphics team developed this large-scale core values wall using vinyl and dimensional elements. It is accompanied by vinyl wallcoverings which show off the areas of Texas, as well as a feature Welcome wall behind the desk.
Rush 4 Armour Med Staff Lounge
Kinetic art reveals two completely different images in a single piece of art! This incredible transformative art changes as you walk from either side of it by gradually shifting as you do so. On one side, The Bean which turns into colorful contemporary art. Each art stands alone as its own artwork, but in moving between the two ends, a transitional third painting emerges as well.
TCH ATXNC Mobile Install
Enjoy this video of one of our completed mobile installs at TCH North Campus in Austin.
St. Mary’s Healing Hands Donor Wall
Enjoy this video of our completed donor wall install at St. Mary’s Madison.